10QUESTIONS with Amin Kamaluddin

Amin Kamaluddin
Andrew Taylor Senior PR & Comms Manager

Published by Andrew Taylor,
PR & Communications Director at Freshfield

Our 10QUESTIONS feature asks members of the Freshfield community ten questions about their working life. Featuring client partners, colleagues and FF friends, our guests share some personal stories, views and fresh words of wisdom.

Our latest guest is Amin Kamaluddin. Following a 25-year corporate career, Amin is now a strategy and growth consultant working with organisations including Manchester Metropolitan University and Lancashire County Council. He is also a non-executive director for University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust.

How do you like to start your working day?

I like to start my working day by referring to my ‘to do list’ and mentally assigning times to tasks. It is nothing exciting, but it keeps me focused and helps me take positivity from the small wins, creating momentum.

Where and how do you come up with your best ideas?

On a weekly basis I allocate two hours where I reflect on meetings, conversations, projects and so on and where I attempt to identify different approaches or solutions. I also do my best thinking in the gym, exercising the body and the mind.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

If you don’t grow, you die. Getting out of your comfort zone is not easy but one must do it to obtain new experiences, develop and grow.

What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership for me is fluid and interchangeable depending on the situation and individuals involved. While there might be an appointed leader it does not prevent others from demonstrating leadership qualities.

What’s your top tip for achieving a work-life balance?

I believe it is important to have interests outside of work that can be used as an outlet to escape. Be that a sporting activity or meeting friends. Whatever it is it must be fixed and frequent in your schedule.

Which current or historical business figure do you most admire and why?

There are a few to name as they all have differing aspects I admire: Richard Branson because to me he was an entrepreneur who was not afraid to have a go. Then there is Steve Jobs for the PC revolution with Macintosh and later the revival of Apple with iMac and iPhone.

What is your most trusted source of news?

I tend to obtain my news from different sources, largely online or social media. This provides me with a range of angles and opinions which I triangulate and base my own judgements on.

What is your favourite brand and why?

I’ve always been a big fan of Audi. The automotive engineering, performance, styling and service are on point. Plus, as a kid I always loved the tagline ‘Vorsprung durch Technik’ although I still do not know what it means.

What’s the most recent new skill you have learnt?

I was recently introduced to fishing. I found it both interesting and challenging. However, I don’t think it is something I will be taking up as I do not think I have the patience for it.

We all use them… what management jargon phrase do you use the most?

I think I am guilty of using plenty of management jargon, I am not ashamed to admit it. Many phrases are so well understood it gets the point across…keep it simple!

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