10QUESTIONS with Helen Russell

Helen Russell harrison drury
Andrew Taylor Senior PR & Comms Manager

Published by Andrew Taylor,
PR & Communications Director at Freshfield

Our 10QUESTIONS feature asks members of the Freshfield community ten questions about their working life. Featuring client partners, colleagues and FF friends, our guests share some personal stories, views and fresh words of wisdom.

Our latest guest is Helen Russell, a highly experienced generalist HR Consultant at Harrison Drury – a leading North West law firm and Freshfield client. She works closely with the firm’s solicitors and advises business owners, management teams and employees on HR, employment practices and employee relations issues.

How do you like to start your working day?

I’ve always been an early riser and I’m at my best and most decisive in the morning. I’m also creature of habit, so I tend to get up at the same time every day. I like the morning quiet and allow myself time each morning to have a proper breakfast and a stove top espresso.

Where and how do you come up with your best ideas?

Anywhere I happen to be talking issues through. Almost invariably the best ideas come from bouncing things around, especially with someone who takes a different view.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

That when you are feeling heightened emotions, that’s not the time to be making major life decisions.  I use the 10, 10, 10 rule; when forced to make a decision it makes me think, “how will I feel in 10 minutes, 10 weeks, 10 months or 10 years?”. If I might feel like I’m making a rock star move now that I’ll regret in 10 years, I do something else.

What does leadership mean to you?

Meaning what you say and saying what you mean. Also, camaraderie is hugely underrated; I’d observe that those leaders who are trustworthy, and who you know aren’t asking you to do anything they wouldn’t do themselves, are the ones who inspire enduring loyalty.

What’s your top tip for achieving a work-life balance?

Remember that you only have so much energy and budget it accordingly. If you are doing things which drain you, make sure you are taking time to recharge. There’s a reason that cabin crew tell you to put on your own life jacket and oxygen mask first; if you’re exhausted you’re no help to anyone.

Which current or historical business figure do you most admire and why?

I like the Warren Buffet / Charlie Munger partnership. Buffet was asked why their relationship was so successful and his reply was: “We never had cause to doubt the other person”. I like this sentiment because it speaks to how much of an impact trust can have. I know from experience that relationships like that are rare and precious, but just imagine what could be achieved if you could rely 100% on the people around you 100% of the time.

What is your most trusted source of news?

The BBC.

What is your favourite brand and why?

Mini. I had a convertible for a time, then a Countryman and I’ve just changed to a Cooper. I love it, and don’t think I’ll ever drive another car brand again. It is well built, solid and reliable, but when I’m driving it, I still feel the joy I had in my Mini Metro in 1990 when I first got the freedom a driving licence provides to someone who grew up in the countryside.

What’s the most recent new skill you have learnt?

A better technique for weight lifting.

We all use them… what management jargon phrase do you use the most?

“Closing the loop”.  In my experience many problematic issues arise from loose ends.

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