Fresh eyes

Maximising lead generation from your website

maximising lead generation from your website

Published by Mark Brennan,
Head of Digital; Senior Digital Marketing Manager at Freshfield

If your marketing communications strategy is all about lead generation, then you need to view your website as the engine room. Here are some tips to get it performing to its potential.


Visitors will judge very quickly if a site is ‘for them’ by scanning the text and imagery. If your site isn’t tailored exactingly to your target audience, it won’t do its job properly. Ask yourself what your audience is looking for and deliver this in the form of accessible content, engaging infographics and eye-catching images.


Likewise, if the site isn’t slick, quick and easy to use, you’ll lose people. Online attention spans are notoriously short. If people suspect that even a few seconds of their time is being wasted, they will simply move on – potentially to a competitor’s website.


Ask yourself from a user’s point of view how easy is it to get in touch with your business? Ideally you should have a contact form on every page. If you can’t do this, use a well-designed click-through. Also, give visitors all the information they need to get in touch with you through multiple channels – a contact form is great, but some people prefer a phone number or email address.


This is the most valuable type of content – but only if it’s updated regularly with quality material. If your blog is badly written, poorly informed, or overly ‘salesy’, people will switch off. Think about tapping the expertise and insights of key individuals within your business. Not all will be good writers and one solution is to use the services of a business journalist or copywriter.

Calls to action

Show users clearly what you want them to do and make it really easy for them to do this. Ensure the functionality of your website doesn’t present any unnecessary obstacles. If click-throughs are hard to find, or your site responds slowly, visitors will get soon get bored and move on.


When your website starts generating organic traffic you need to start capturing those leads. Consider giving something away in return for the visitor’s name and email address. Your incentive, or ‘lead magnet’, should be something of value, such as coupons, discounts, software, free reports, or ebooks.

Contact us on 01772 888400 or at to discover how we can help you to drive lead generation through your website.

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