Fresh eyes

Royal baby marketing highlights

Royal baby marketing highlights

Published by Emma Rawlinson,
at Freshfield

A raft of marketers have been capitalising on the royal baby. As soon as the future King, Prince George, was presented to the crowds, brands and organisations across the globe were quick off the mark with well planned and well executed marketing campaigns.

Here we take a look at the best examples of this new ‘trend-jacking’ style as businesses utilise the opportunity to engage with customers.

1. Procter and Gamble’s Pampers was smart enough to create a whole campaign surrounding the build up to the royal baby titled ‘Love, Sleep and Play’. Following the birth, it used social media to post short videos to support the initial campaign and encouraged parents to submit photos of their babies to the Pampers Facebook page. Minutes after the posts, more than 3,200 people had ‘liked’ the video on Facebook and had shared it 74 times. Pampers cleverly attributed a charity to its campaign too. For every message of love and support, Pampers donated a nappy to Home-Start UK for distribution to needy families via local schemes and food banks.

2. B&Q put its ‘Unloved Rooms’ campaign on every platform, including its Facebook page suggesting products that would baby-proof the palace. It also introduced a number of blogs to its website on how it had seen a rise in blue paint and red, white and blue wallpaper designs for nurseries giving it ample opportunity to push product.

3. US search giant Google didn’t just create an advert. Instead, months of planning allowed it to announce the launch of the world’s biggest greeting card. Hours after the birth, Google invited users to post profile pictures on a virtual card to send best wishes to Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The final printed version of the card will be presented to Clarence House for preservation in the Royal Archives.

4. Tourism bosses are using the new prince as a way of promoting Britain as a family based holiday destination. Visit Britain released the first poster featuring the family of three which will be used in a new campaign to target 21 key markets around the world.

5. It’s not just big childcare brands using the opportunity either. As soon as the young Prince was named, Preston’s St George’s Shopping Centre created an advert with a play on words, congratulating Wills and Kate on choosing a great name. Its new store arrival was used as a clever call to action. Thank FF for that one!

The most successful businesses, organisations and brands are those that use real-time marketing tactics. However, creative marketing is still all about great ideas, great planning and great delivery.

If you feel you could benefit from new marketing tactics or strategic social media campaigns, call us on 01772 888400.

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