Fresh eyes

Top tips on thought leadership

Top tips on thought leadership

Published by Michael Gregory,
Director at Freshfield

Technical industries – including manufacturing, engineering and technology – have numerous individuals whose expert product or service knowledge can be used to boost sales, access new markets, and drive strategic alliances.

However, to become a recognised thought leader, you must proactively develop relationships with journalists. Competition for media coverage is intense and experts have to elbow their way to the front of the queue. Here are some effective ways of making sure you get your fair share of ‘media voice’.

Don’t be bland

The media want strong opinions, cogently presented, that give illuminating insights into the issues affecting your sector. Professional fence sitters do not make thought leaders. By all means, present both sides of an argument, but never leave it up to others to reach a conclusion – that’s your job.

Be ready to roll

Journalists work to tight deadlines and will gravitate to authoritative commentators who they know will deliver quickly and reliably. Make yourself available and keep yourself up to speed on the latest developments in your area. If you bust a gut to get well-informed input to a journalist ahead of their deadline, you will build trust and they will come back to you again and again.

Persistence pays

The news media is fickle – a long media interview may be relegated to a single column on page 35 due to another ‘higher priority’ story breaking. Similarly, that conference slot in which you saw yourself stealing the show might go to someone else. Don’t be put off by any of this. Keep trying and you’ll get there in the end.

Produce excellent content

You will be judged by the quality of your written and spoken communication. So make sure you deploy a range of content marketing activity, including blogs and white papers, bylined articles and speaking engagements. You must get your thoughts and opinions seen in order to be recognised.

Harness social networking

Increasingly, social networks are the place to find opinion formers, influencers and thinkers. Develop a presence that reflects your thoughts, opinion and work. In particular, offer advice and explanations freely. Again, success is rarely achieved overnight and you must be prepared to commit time and resources to building and growing your social network.

We can help you take a thought leadership position

Our specialist advisers work with journalists on a day-to-day basis. They understand what pressures they are under and how to help you become a key thought leadership contact. Contact us to find out more.

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